Career Management

Meet the Latino Doctors of 2016: Sandra Medinilla: Breaking Identity Barriers

19/05/2016 11:30am | 9047 views

The path to the emergency room was not a direct one for Dr. Sandra Medinilla.

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Latino Veteran Creates His Own Script for Career Success with Help from FOX News Ailes Apprentice Program

16/05/2016 11:28am | 7131 views

Mauricio Muñoz thought he had his life perfectly scripted out. He just didn’t realize it was only the first draft.

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Ramon Diaz Turned His Struggles with Language and Family Financials into a Career Opportunity

02/05/2016 11:09pm | 6711 views

Written by Michael O'Neill

Ramon Diaz and his younger brother grew up in Long Beach,California, but they were born in their parents’ hometown of Jalisco, Mexico. Though both parents had been in the U.S. since the early 1970s, they made frequent trips south of the border, including for the birth of their sons. But they knew they couldn’t stay there, if they wanted a better life for them. It was a land where most people were farmers and had no options for lifting themselves out of poverty.

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Pipeline Programs Try to Steer Minority Students to Careers in Medicine

11/05/2016 12:37pm | 7169 views

By his junior year in high school, Xavier Shackelford was a good student with a vague idea that he wanted to be a doctor. But few people from his small, rural Arkansas town considered medicine as a possible career.

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Dr. Diana Ramos Shares Her Journey to Becoming a Doctor – and How to Tell the Good Mentors from the Bad

02/05/2016 10:55pm | 14312 views

Dr. Diana Ramos always wanted to be a doctor from as far back as she can remember. The dream was so strong that she found a way to make it real, even after a detour that came about after some discouraging words – a lesson learned about seeking out the right mentors.

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