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Psychology Today

Psychology magazine published every two months in the United States.

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What is Most Important in the New Year?

10/01/2018 06:00am | 4903 views

By Olivia Ames Hoblitzelle

If someone asked you that question, how would you answer? This question isn’t about New Year’s resolutions; it’s about something deeper — some value, point of view, or philosophical outlook that inspires you.

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Study Shows Generous Behavior Leads to Increased Happiness

05/01/2018 06:00am | 6197 views

By Robert Puff Ph.D.


For centuries, spiritual leaders and philosophers have viewed generosity as the key to happiness. “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up,” wrote John Holmes, the late poet and critic. However, the link between happiness and generosity is no longer just a theory. A University of Zurich study offers scientific proof that generous behavior can give you a happier life.

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Santa Must Be a Woman

24/12/2017 06:00am | 4999 views

By Michael Ungar Ph.D. Michael Ungar Ph.D.

It was the cookie exchange that finally convinced me Santa must be a woman. My partner was invited. I wasn’t. She dutifully made ten dozen cookies, wrapping them in cellophane bags with lovely red ribbons that she teased into curls with a pair of scissors. I wasn’t jealous, but I did think to myself how nice it must be to get invited to the neighbors' for a little friendly, pre-season gossip. I was surprised, though, by how easily this division of domestic duties has repeated itself through holiday traditions.

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Do Holiday Expectations Cause You Angst? 12 Ways to Help

21/12/2017 05:31pm | 6154 views

By Karyl McBride Ph.D.

Expectations can get us in trouble during the holiday season. Why is it that we somehow still hang onto the vision that we can suddenly transform the family into what we want during the holidays and all those old wounds, stories, and disappointments will shrink away when the bells start ringing and Santa’s sleigh starts flying? The sparkle of the season adorned with gorgeous music, spirituality, bright lights and massive decorations has a way of tricking us into thinking anything is possible.

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The Science of Toy Giving

19/12/2017 10:54am | 5336 views

By Vanessa LoBue, Ph.D.

With the holiday season in full swing, the toy industry is bustling with moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends buying gifts for their littlest loved ones. Toy buying used to be simple: A nice doll for girls, and a matchbox car for boys. But these days, shopping for kids’ toys can be utterly overwhelming. There are hundreds of products that line the aisles of most toy stores, many of which have flashing lights, play music, and some even talk to you as you walk by. Some products even boast their utility in teaching children new words, musical skills, and even math. It’s enough to make your head spin. With all the options out there and pressure to find the perfect gift, which toys should we choose for our kids? Perhaps research can help.

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Psychology Today

Psychology magazine published every two months in the United States.

Insight about everybody's favorite subject: Ourselves.