With the abundance of speciality foods available, like gluten-free, nut-free, or dairy-free products, it seems that almost everyone is allergic to something. But a new study says that most people probably aren't, but incorrectly believe they have food allergies.
By Lauren Wicks
‘Tis the season for the flu, the common cold, and many other illnesses. While both the common cold and the flu often begin with similar symptoms— aches and pains, fatigue, or congestion— it’s important to know how to differentiate between the two.
By Grace Gold
Things happening right now: sweater weather, fun holiday lattes, and dry skin. Okay wait, I’m not excited about that last one.
By Elizabeth Bacharach
Anxious thoughts are (arguably) the least pleasant kinds of thoughts—and as soon as they pop up, your main goal is to get them gone (which, honestly, only seems to make them multiply).