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The New York Times

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5 Ways Teens Can Get More Fruits and Vegetables Into Their Diets

05/04/2021 06:00am | 3029 views

A new study found that high school students aren’t getting enough produce.

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Young Adults’ Pandemic Mental Health Risks

02/10/2020 06:00am | 2859 views

In a new C.D.C. survey, 18- to 24-year-olds reported the highest levels of symptoms of anxiety and depression, and a quarter of them said they had seriously considered suicide.

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Black and Hispanic Americans turn to doctors who look like them for reassurance on vaccinations.

19/01/2021 06:00am | 2771 views

By Gina Kolata

Denese Rankin, a 55-year-old retired bookkeeper and receptionist in Castleberry, Ala., did not want the Covid-19 vaccine. Her opinion toward the vaccine was like many Black, rural Americans: The vaccine had come about too quickly to be safe.

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Now Is a Time to Learn From Hispanic Americans

11/08/2020 06:00am | 3427 views

By Nicholas Kristof

 The “Hispanic paradox” could offer a model for civil society.

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Have I Been Cleaning All Wrong?

29/05/2020 06:00am | 4046 views

By Tara Parker-Pope

Many household disinfectants promise to kill 99.9 percent of germs, but some of us might be cleaning too swiftly to let them do their job.

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The New York Times

Read, Watch, Engage

The New York Times Company (NYSE:NYT) is a global media organization dedicated to enhancing society by creating, collecting and distributing high-quality news and information. The company includes The New York Times, International New York Times,, and related properties. It is known globally for excellence in its journalism, and innovation in its print and digital storytelling and its business model. Follow news about the company at @NYTimesComm.