In past studies on psychological conditions, almost 15% of the American population was diagnosed with one or more personality disorder. Monolingual Hispanics make up 30% of patients diagnosed with a personality disorder, based on asample study done in 2010. Despite the growing prevalence of personality disorders, not many people are aware of how they may affect everyday activities. There are ten identified personality disorders broken down into three different clusters, with each focusing on one or more aspects of a certain personality trait. Of the three clusters, Cluster B seems to be one of the most ostracized groups in need of support. Knowing the signs of onset and effectively providing an open space where they can talk about how they feel will encourage more openness and understanding in the community.
Hispanic food is healthier than traditional American food and helps increase your life expectancy, according to Nutrition Facts. The choice of ingredients, the proportion of non-processed foods, and the cooking methods seem to be the main reason. If you're looking for healthy alternatives for party food, which in itself is often very unhealthy, then perhaps all you have to do is cast your eyes on Hispanic recipes. Besides, he variety of flavors, colors and textures make them perfect for a party table and add up to the festive ambiance. Here are some ideas on healthy Hispanic snacks and treats for your party table.
Every New Year, over one million people pack into New York City’s Time Square to watch the ball drop at Midnight. Around the country, many more people go to parties. People make all manner of different resolutions going into the New Year, but if yours is to throw the best party ever, don’t stress over getting the right food, or having enough refreshments. The key to throwing a night to remember is in the little details. Providing your guests with unexpected extras will impress them, and make you the talk of your social circle for weeks to come.
Teenagers and young adults tend to take the health of their skin for granted. It is common for young people to engage in activities that adults warn them are not good for their skin, such as tanning under artificial lights or refusing to wear sunscreen. Now that you're getting closer to middle age, you're probably more worried about how your skin will look and feel as you continue to age. Even though you may have made some mistakes when you were younger, it isn't too late to start supporting the overall health of your skin.
The 2016 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report showed that Hispanic households have increased by 6.7 million since 2000 to represent 42.5% of the country's entire household growth, signifying a surge in Latino homeownership and healthy home cultivation across the country. But, just exactly what is a healthy home?