Personalized Care

Preventive Care

New Diabetes Guidelines Lower Screening Age to 35 for Some Adults

25/04/2021 06:00am | 2701 views


By Linda Carroll, regular health contributor to NBC News and Reuters Health.

At least 31 million adults in the U.S. have Type 2 diabetes.


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Six Nutrition Tips for Colon Health

22/04/2021 06:00am | 3008 views

By Avera Medical

While regular screenings are the most important step to colon cancer prevention, nutrition plays a vital role. This National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we explore the impact of diet on gastrointestinal wellness.

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18 Small Everyday Changes That Can Help You Lose Weight

11/04/2021 06:00am | 3098 views

To lose weight effectively, it's important to focus on small, sustainable changes you can make every day. Key tips include drinking more water, preparing healthy meals ahead of time, and making plans that don't involve eating or drinking. You can also find quick ways for exercise like taking the stairs, doing a workout video, or going for a walk outdoors.

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Importance of Physical Activity and Exercise during the COVID-19 Pandemic

29/03/2021 06:00am | 3083 views

The benefits of physical activity and exercise have been demonstrated across the lifespan. We are meant to move and many of our body’s systems work better when we are consistently physically active.

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Preventive Care

Don’T Overlook Preventive Care During Covid-19 Pandemic

25/03/2021 06:00am | 2578 views

As Covid-19 continues to surge throughout our region and nation, another concerning trend has appeared in Western New York – decreased engagement in preventive care.

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