Behavioral Tendencies

Mental Health

COVID-19's Psychological Toll: Mental Distress Among Americans Has Tripled During the Pandemic Compared to 2018

24/05/2020 06:00am | 2530 views

Late last month, as the full weight of the COVID-19 crises was settling on the country’s shoulders, more than one in four American adults met the criteria that psychologists use to diagnose serious mental distress and illness. That represents a roughly 700% increase from pre-pandemic data collected in 2018.

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Finance & Family

Make a plan now for how you will spend your coronavirus stimulus check

11/05/2020 06:00am | 3236 views

By Alicia Adamczyk

CNBC Make It is posting a new financial task to tackle each day for a month. These are all meant to be simple, time-sensitive activities to take your mind off of the news for a moment and, hopefully, put you on sturdier financial footing. This is day five of 30.

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'Laughter Helps the Brain Relax.' How Humor Can Combat Coronavirus Anxiety

22/04/2020 06:00am | 3589 views

(BOSTON) — Neil Diamond posts a fireside rendition of “Sweet Caroline” with its familiar lyrics tweaked to say, “Hands … washing hands.” A news anchor asks when social distancing will end because “my husband keeps trying to get into the house.” And a sign outside a neighborhood church reads: “Had not planned on giving up quite this much for Lent.”

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Mental Health

How to Cope With the Stress of Coronavirus

15/04/2020 06:00am | 2937 views


The World Health Organization offers advice on dealing with the mental-health toll of the pandemic.

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Insurance & Security

Coronavirus: What to Stock up on So You're Prepared

19/03/2020 06:00am | 3707 views

By Michael O. Schroeder

As the coronavirus continues its rapid spread internationally and across the U.S., many Americans are heeding public health advice from the Centers from Disease Control and Prevention to prepare for the possibility of a lengthy home stay.

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