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What The Healthiest People Do During Their Lunch Breaks

04/11/2016 06:00AM | 8188 views

Give your workday a boost with these game-changing habits.

By Carla Herreria, Associate Editor, HuffPost Hawaii

The lunch break is a very valuable part of the workday. Unfortunately, most of us don't take it seriously.

Research shows an astonishing 65 percent of working Americans tend to eat lunch at their desks, in front of screens. Or worse, many sometimes skip the meal altogether.

It's time to stop wasting that precious time and make it work for you instead. We turned to six health and fitness experts to ask what they eat and how they spend their midday meals. Not only are their lunchtime habits healthier, their breaks are also linked with boosts in overall productivity. How's that for a little motivation?

Below, take a look at how healthy people utilize their lunch hour -- delicious recipes included.

1. They prepare their lunches beforehand.  

"Lunch is one of my favorite parts of the day. I try to take my lunch outside so that I can get some fresh air and stretch my legs. Food-wise, I like to prep my lunches on the weekends, so that it's easy to make during the week. My go-to is a Buddha bowl of sorts because I love mixing flavors and textures. This usually includes a whole grain, a lean meat, tons of veggies and toppings galore." -- Lee Hersh, founder of Fit Foodie Finds

What's for lunch? A roasted chickpea bowl with cilantro avocado dressing. Get the recipe here

2. They avoid heavy meals that will make them feel sluggish.

"I like my lunches to be very clean, full of fruits, veggies and lean protein. I don't want something super heavy that will leave me feeling sluggish when I'm back at my desk. I need something fresh and fulfilling enough to give me lots of energy for my intense day." -- Cassey Ho, YouTube fitness guru and founder of Blogilates

What's for lunch? A green wrap "because it's full of veggies and tastes delicious with hummus." Get the recipe here.

3. They make it a point to get away from their desk.

"The most important thing I do during my lunch break to keep myself healthy is to take a walk. I get one in every day, no matter what. Some days the walk might be as short as 10 minutes, depending on how busy I am, but getting out even briefly always refreshes and rejuvenates me for the rest of the day." -- Anne Mauney, registered dietician and founder of fANNEtastic Food

What's for lunch? A big grain salad bowl, which includes a carb such as rice or quinoa, vegetables, protein and a healthy fat like avocado, nuts or cheese. Then the bowl is topped with dressing. Get Mauney's Mexican quinoa salad bowl recipe here.

4. They fit in a full workout.

"During my lunch break I usually work out for about 30 to 45 minutes, no matter how jammed my schedule is. I normally go for a run or I do one of my own workouts that I post on Instagram. They are short and effective workouts that can be done anywhere." -- Will Arrufat, Nike trainer and certified personal trainer

What's for lunch? Sweet potatoes with grilled chicken and a kale salad or a burger with no cheese and a side salad. "I like to keep it very simple and clean," Arrufat said. "Drink of choice: Water."


5. They eat organic, locally grown foods.

"I love to eat fresh fish and homegrown vegetables for lunch. I feel this combo of lean protein and nutritious veggies gives me energy and stamina for the rest of the day without weighing me down or making me sleepy." -- Kimi Werner, professional spearfisher and sustainable living advocate

What's for lunch? A caprese salad with homegrown organic tomatoes and fresh smoked marlin (or your choice of wild-caught fish). Get the salad recipe here. 


6. They work on their flexibility.

"During my lunch breaks, I spend five to 10 minutes giving my joints, muscles and tendons a little love with mobility drills for my hips, back and upper body, often using a foam roller. I [do] a squat position and rock side to side to open up my hips and I also perform the 'spiderman stretch' to decompress my lower back and increase hip mobility. This will help increase your performance during your workouts, prevent injuries and reduce pain. [Doing this] during the middle of the day will also boost your energy levels." -- Idalis Velazquez, personal trainer, fitness nutritionist and author of The 30 Second Body: Eat Clean, Train Dirty & Live Hard

What's for lunch? Lemon chicken with sautéed asparagus, quinoa salad and avocado. Get the chicken and asparagus recipe here.


7. They turn last night's leftovers into the next day's meal.

"I'm a huge fan of enjoying leftovers. With an active toddler running around and running my business, there isn't much time to prepare my own lunch. I make a point to make extra food when I cook dinner the night before. Then I simply portion leftovers into glass containers that we can enjoy the next day." -- Angela Liddon, founder of Oh She Glows and New York Times best-selling cookbook author

What's for lunch? vegan soup from the night before or an easy-to-make avocado toast with a protein shake. Find her red lentil soup recipe here or check out the avocado toast recipe here.

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