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Weight Loss Tips: Prevent Obesity With These Smoothies

05/25/2016 01:37AM | 7323 views

Obesity is a growing epidemic and it can lead to a number of serious health conditions including cancer, stroke, diabetes and heart disease. While exercising can help, limiting your calorie intake without sacrificing nutrition can be a dilemma.

However, there are preventive measures that can be taken to avoid obesity from getting better. Not many people may know it, but smoothies can be an effective weight loss tool that can prevent obesity complications and death.

The obesity epidemic in the US is considered to be so dire that it is listed as the second leading cause of preventable death in the country next to smoking. The National Institutes of Health shared that extreme obesity can shorten an individual's life expectancy by 14 years. 

Medscape reports that obesity causes nearly 19 percent of preventable deaths among US adults every year. It is particularly high among obese African Americans and Hispanics.

When prepare them right, smoothies can be a great tool for weight loss. The most important thing you should know is that you need to make your own smoothies in order to control what goes in it, especially its calorie count.

An effective smoothie is great tasting, loaded with good nutrients and helps you shed the pounds in one go. Healthy Smoothie HQ reports that good smoothie ingredients that can help spur healthy weight loss include berries, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, chia seeds, coconut oil, Greek yogurt, fruit pulp, tea and leafy vegetables.

If you need any more convincing that weight loss smoothies can be healthy and delicious, you can always give it a try and see if it works for you. Here are smoothie recipes that you can start with.

Chocolate Banana Cashew Smoothie

Who says you can't have chocolate for breakfast? That's right, this is a smoothie made with chocolate and yes, you can have it for breakfast. This recipe from Pop Sugar is packed with the nutritional goodness of calcium from soy milk, fiber from spinach and magnesium from banana and cashews. The best parts are, one serving of this is only 375 calories and the ingredients it uses can help relieve PMS symptoms in women.

Blueberry Smoothie

Want something quick and satisfying? Prevention recommends this recipe made with only 3 ingredients. One serving is only 273 calories.

Sweet Spinach Smoothie

Looking to ease yourself into drinking green smoothies? This Fitness Magazine recipe will surely get you hooked. Instead of using pure greens, the smoothie is made sweet with avocados, grapes and ripe pears. It's only 316 calories per serving.

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