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Snapchat Taps Mitú to Reach Latino Youth

02/06/2017 06:00AM | 7947 views

Snapchat is adding another Discover channel to its lineup with an eye toward multicultural millennials.

Mitú, a digital media brand aimed at Latino youth, will create exclusive videos, articles and other content for the platform on a daily basis anchored around its usual topics of humor, food, family and relationships.

The deal targets an especially social demographic: mitú says that U.S. Latinos are twice as likely to share content and share nearly five times as often as the average American. Among the 56 million-plus Latinos in the U.S., 60 percent are under age 34.

In a statement, mitú’s Chief Marketing Officer Danny Johnson called Snapchat parent Snap “an incredibly forward-thinking company that recognizes the importance of programming that connects with this valuable and sizable part of their audience.

"Historically, brands spend huge budgets on Spanish-language television, while the majority of the young Latino audience is English-dominant and digitally native. Our partnership with Snap provides an immediate, at-scale opportunity for brands to reach this growing audience.”

The Culver City, California-based network logs more than 400 million monthly content views and more than 120 million monthly video views, reaching 16 million people per day and 160 million per month.

Series include “Cholos Try,” in which a crew of four Latinos defy stereotypes and travel the country exploring different lifestyles; the food show “Latinos Don’t Do Basic Snacks”; the spoof “Mexican Horror Story”; and the comedy “Abuela.”

Founded in 2012, mitú has raised $18 million, per Crunchbase from backers including Verizon, WPP, UpFront Ventures and AwesomnessTV.

Snapchat currently draws 150 million daily active users.

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