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Step Into a New You

09/01/2015 10:00AM | 6751 views

by Stephanie Flores

Now is the perfect time to put your best foot forward and focus on improving your health.

Summer’s here and along with warmer weather, the sea­son’s new fashions and vaca­tions. All of this is a reminder to get into shape, improve your health and enjoy the sunny outdoors with friends and family.

Start by taking time for yourself. Make time to enrich your health, your work, your lifestyle and your family. Being physically active can help to improve your health by lowering your risk of de­veloping diabetes and heart disease, by relieving the pain of arthritis, by giving you more energy, by reducing stress and by bolstering your overall state of mind and body. Physical activity helps build and maintain healthy bones, mus­cle and joints, helps control weight, and helps reduce body fat.

Racial and ethnic minorities are among the highest percentage of non-active and physically unfit individuals. Women who are ethnic minorities are in the highest percentile. All too often these women put themselves low on the priority list and participate less in leisure time and physical activity. You can be a good role model for your chil­dren and family by being physically ac­tive and eating healthy.

Starting an exercise regimen doesn’t have to break the bank or take a lot of time. Begin by setting a goal of engag­ing in 30 to 60 minutes of activity for three to five days a week. You should try to do some cardiovascular activity such as like walking, jogging, biking, swim­ming, elliptical or rowing at least three days a week. Weight training should be 2 to 3 days a week to start. It’s usually best to do a total body circuit of exercis­es and 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions.

Try these simple moves to improve your health and get you ready for spring and summer’s fashion.

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