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Glenn Llopis

CEO and Founder, Center for Hispanic Leadership

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Six Characteristics of 21st Century Leaders (Interview with Odilon Almeida, Western Union)

07/09/2015 06:00AM | 8223 views

As President for the Americas and European Union Region, Odilon Almeida is responsible for Western Union’s business across 98 countries, encompassing all the companies’ products and services in three macro regions: North America, Latin America and Caribbean and the European Union.  Like many who have found success in leadership positions, he embodies the six characteristics that define what it means to be a 21st century leader.

We all can learn to realize these six characteristics by embracing the immigrant mentality that accounts for 40% of Fortune 500 companies, which were founded by immigrants or their children. Influenced by their cultural values, they had a distinct advantage in business and in life by being able to see opportunities everywhere – opportunities previously unseen and that others didn’t see at all.

In a recent interview, Odilon Almeida shared his perspective on the six characteristics that define this immigrant mentality – and how they influence his leadership role to this day.

1.     Keep your Immigrant Perspective (See Opportunity in Everything)

Glenn Llopis:   A 21st century leader sees opportunities everywhere, every day, and makes the most of them. Many are opportunities others don't see.

Odilon Almeida:  “I hail from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and live in the US.  For some, my home country may be considered a remote part of the globe.  Immaterial of where you are from, immersing in diverse cultural and personal norms may sometimes make it feel that accomplishing a task is impossible.  However in my view, impossible is not an absolute, and situations often require more time and a lot of resilience. 

I have seen people struggle with reality and spend much time and effort to deny it.  Denying reality is a loss of time and energy.  From my life experience to date -- in several countries with distinct and unique cultures -- I have found that once you can develop a shared sense of the reality you are approaching, bringing people together to share a journey and a vision can lead to infinite possibilities.”

2.     Employ your Circular Vision (Anticipate the Unexpected)

Llopis:  Because 21st century leaders can see opportunity in everything, it gives them wide-angle, circular vision to anticipate crisis and manage change before circumstances force their hand.

Almeida:  “I have faced very volatile markets and moments in Brazil and Latin America, from hyperinflation to all kinds of economic plans and political instability.  Through this I learned to focus on outcomes and not dwell on how to get there.

Coming from a culture that is family-oriented, I draw inspiration from my parents.  I learned from my mother the centrality of integrity. Many times in my life she asked me, “But what do you think about this?”   This guidance has shaped my way of thinking and keeps my eyes open to how the wind may blow from one direction or another. Our decision to change directions should depend on our core beliefs and not on the way the current wind is blowing.

In my role I don’t see borders, I see opportunities.  It is not about nationality; it is about the values that help define achievement.

There are hills and valleys, but that cultural perspective must always be kept at the forefront.”

3.     Unleash your Passionate Pursuits (Strives for Excellence)

Llopis:  A 21st century leader inspires and motivates others through their own passion and commitment to explore endless possibilities.

Almeida:  “My father taught me to appreciate life and live life to the fullest.  He used to tell me that “you’d better learn to like what you have to do.” I joined Western Union because it is a purpose-driven company.  We help move money for global workers, for general consumers and for small businesses. 

There are many lessons to be drawn on passion from the customers we serve – global workers and small businesses moving money that moves the globe.

Whether it is funding everyday expenses, such as education, medical and financing micro businesses for their family and loved ones, settling small business trades across the globe expeditiously or sending money to tide over a crisis or a disaster – these are all passionate pursuits that build opportunity and increase potential. 

Working to achieve this requires commitment, resilience and a sense of urgency, and as a truly global company our employees bring this to the fore every day based not only on their own diversity and passion for what they do, but that also of our customers.”

4.     Live with an Entrepreneurial Spirit (Innovation Comes Second Nature)

Llopis:  A 21st century leader is entrepreneurial by nature, constantly building relationships, taking smart risks, learning rapidly – all with the objective of making a positive impact. 

Almeida:  “As one of the leaders in a Fortune 500 company, I find I must nurture and act on my entrepreneurial spirit daily, while navigating and building an organization that has the infrastructure necessary to serve about 10,000 employees who live and work in over 50 countries and speak more than 37 languages. We pay our employees in 45 different currencies.  My personal portfolio focuses on the Americas and European Union, accounting for approximately 60 percent of global revenues.

Our management team and all employees must together understand and deliver on the needs of customers in more than 200 countries and territories.  Western Union’s culture is shaped by five behaviors that guide our actions: Inspired, Connected, Driven, Game Changer and Responsible.

I have learned to be nimble by exposing myself to experiences and taking advantage of opportunities as they have arisen in my career.  I have worked across several industries: consumer packaged goods, beverages, banking and money transfer, and have worked in multiple functional areas and several countries. This type of adaptability has enriched my professional capabilities, enabled me to work with people and organizations regardless of culture, and positioned me for my current role at Western Union.”

5.     Work with a Generous Purpose (Share Momentum with Others)

Llopis:   A 21st century leader must understand the importance of having everyone’s best interests at heart.  They work with a generous purpose and fuel momentum for themselves and others.

Almeida:  “The importance of empathy or having a generous purpose cannot be overstated, especially for leaders.

I have worked in both developing and emerging countries.  Specifically working at Western Union, I am aware of the motivations of our customers, whether that is a global worker sending money back home or a small business settling a trade expeditiously.

I have learned their motivations are driven by a greater purpose: to excel not only for themselves, but for their families and loved ones.  They share their successes instantly across the remotest parts of the world, driving enormous change instantly.  For example, 30 percent of our consumer to consumer transfers fund education.  

This greater purpose is important immaterial of rank and file. This value is top of mind for me as I lead my organization every day.”

6.     Embrace your Cultural Promise  (Lead to Leave a Legacy)

Llopis:   Success comes most to those surrounded by people who want their success to continue.  A 21st century leader understands the importance of reciprocity and how legacies are built.

Almeida:  “I was raised with a strong commitment to family in a culture that treated those around us as an extension of family, even if you weren’t a blood relative.

It requires that you focus on the specific strengths of the individual and sometimes this does not come naturally.  We tend to focus on the result to be delivered, on the matter to be solved, and not on the individual who will make it happen.  It is hard and it is a day-to-day matter.  I am on this journey.  I bring with me a desire and sensibility to share the journey with my peers and direct reports.

Leadership is all about personal values. Personal values are shaped by the influence of people around you and your own experiences – those from your past and those with whom you currently collaborate.  I find it very important to get to know what motivates my colleagues and how to bring my values to the table in a way that strengthens partnerships in terms of mutuality.

I will never forget where I’ve come from, and I know where I am going next.”

Odilon Almeida concludes that,  “It’s important to remember that when you get caught up in day-to-day operations, like many, we tend to focus more on repairing what is wrong than optimizing what is good and strong.  The underestimated truth is that we will all get a much better return in our organizations by focusing on strengths over weaknesses.”  It is these six characteristics that define the most important strengths of the 21st century leader, and that enable us to overcome the perceived weaknesses when we aren’t letting our authentic values and natural ways we think, act and perform influence our leadership. 

Follow me @GlennLlopis

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