COVID-19 is a global crisis that is impacting every single one of us – at various levels and degrees. What makes this crisis different than most - is that it’s personal. Very personal. We are all experiencing the ramifications, many of which we would have never expected in our lives and that are out of our control.
For myself personally, here are a few examples:
This doesn’t include the impact on our friends. For example, we have two families that have been forced to cancel weddings that were planned 12-months ago. And the numerous other issues that we don’t even know about yet - that may have significant financial, mental and work-related implications.
We need to witness and learn to be sensitive with how people cope with crisis. For many they overload themselves with the news, debate concerns with friends via text messaging, and overindulge on social media, etc. People are trying to cope with an event of this magnitude that many are unprepared to cope with. That’s why there are skeptics that have decided to ignore the crisis and its potential consequences.
Everyone is different.
So why do we have difficulty coping with this crisis? Because we are not accustomed to confronting something so personal – that is so public.
Before you make any big decisions, put things into perspective. Have the right mindset. This begins with understanding the bigger picture of what to do when a crisis becomes personal. Here are a few things to consider:
This is just the beginning of the list. I encourage you and others to continue it. Not only because it’s a healthy process, but it will also teach you to “own a responsibility” that society has made it difficult for us to recognize:
You represent your most immediate and ongoing opportunities for the betterment of a healthier whole. In other words - be part of the solution. Own it. Act on it.
Learn more at www.ageofpersonalization.com
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