Eating mold sounds pretty scary, but chances are you've probably done it once or twice without even realizing it. When cleaning out your fridge, you toss the obvious, clearly ancient items coated in something that's green, gray, or fuzzy, and almost always gross.
Let me guess: It's only the first full week of January and you're already questioning the goals you set on New Year's Day?
I'm a good sleeper until I get stressed. Instead of quickly nodding off to my soothing white noise machine, I'll lie awake for an hour thinking about everything I have to do, then wake up from stress dreams. Instead of sleeping straight until my alarm, I'll bolt awake in panic, hours early, for no apparent reason. I need all the sleep I can get when I'm stressed, but it's when I'm stressed that I just can't get it.
By Zoe Weiner
In the days before you could order both groceries and magazine subscriptions online, it was damn near impossible to walk through a supermarket checkout line without seeing the term “bikini body” plastered on glossies at the newsstand. By today’s standards, strapping two pieces of material onto anybody fits the bill, but a decade ago, the term was still reserved for only those with six-pack abs and not an inch of perceived bodily "imperfection" in sight.
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Between cookie exchanges, parties, and family dinners, chances are you're going to be doing at least a little holiday baking this season. But if you don't want to be spending more time in the bathroom than you do the kitchen, resist the temptation to nibble on raw cookie dough or lick the beaters on your mixers clean. Food poisoning is a real risk.