Working from home can be beneficial in many ways, but it can also present several physical, mental, and social challenges.
Health tips for those working from home include wellness fundamentals, such as eating a nutritious diet and getting regular exercise.
Many different types of drinks contain compounds that may help reduce cholesterol levels or healthfully maintain them, such as oat and soy drinks.
How often a person needs to work out to see results will depend on their fitness goals. Losing weight, building muscle, and increasing endurance and stamina each require a different approach to training.
If a person has gained some weight during the quarantine period, it is important for them not to be too self-critical. Several manageable adjustments can help people lose the weight they gained in lockdown.
Most people experience fluctuations in their weight, and it is common to gain weight over time. However, if a person gains weight in a very short time for no clear reason, this could be a sign of an underlying health condition.