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Career Advice From Four Trailblazing Latinas At The Top Of Their Game

23/02/2022 06:00am | 2430 viewsread more

Hispanics In Wine Organization Aims To Empower Latinx Wine Communities

28/04/2021 06:00am | 2388 views

Social organization Hispanics in Wine was founded with the aim of promoting equality and diversity and helping Latinx professionals advance in the wine industry. Founded in September 2020, it consists of a social media space and website which serve as a digital platform for insight into opportunities and resources for members of the community. It was established by Lydia Richards and Maria Calvert alongside wine professional Ivonne Nill. The organization’s mission is to give back to Spanish-speaking communities by promoting equality and helping the new generation of Latinx professionals advance in the wine and hospitality industries. Hispanics in Wine also intends to help wine companies better communicate with their Spanish-speaking consumers.

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The Minority-Majority Shift: Two Decades That Will Change America—For The Health And Wellness Industry, It’s Time For A Check-Up

01/06/2020 06:00am | 2917 views

by Isaac Mizrahi


2020 is the year when the majority of all Americans under seventeen years old will be from a minority background, a process that will culminate with a so-called “minority-majority” population by the mid-2040s. These demographic changes will bring about a significant transformation to Corporate America, and during the next few months, I will discuss some of these consequences, in each article targeting one specific area of our business environment.

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How To Network The Right Way: Eight Tips

20/12/2017 11:28am | 5510 views

By Andrew Vest

Most people attend networking events to gain something: job leads, referrals, exposure, connections, opportunities to grow their business. Having organized more than 50 networking events over the past 10 years, I’ve seen plenty of these people leave disappointed, dismissing networking as a complete waste of time.

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11 Financial Words All Parents Should Teach Their Kids

08/09/2015 03:57pm | 8132 views

By Jennifer Ryan Woods

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Forbes LLC™

Beyond our famed, must–know lists – richest people, powerful women, biggest companies—Forbes magazine maintains a unique voice in its coverage of global business stories.