National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
A division of the National Institutes of Health
Follow this authorThe terms "overweight" and "obesity" refer to body weight that’s greater than what is considered healthy for a certain height.The most useful measure of overweight and obesity is body mass index (BMI). BMI is calculated from your height and weight.
Millions of Americans and people worldwide are overweight or obese. Being overweight or obese puts you at risk for many health problems. The more body fat that you have and the more you weigh, the more likely you are to develop:
Your weight is the result of many factors. These factors include environment, family history and genetics, metabolism (the way your body changes food and oxygen into energy), behavior or habits, and more.
You can't change some factors, such as family history. However, you can change other factors, such as your lifestyle habits.
For example, follow a healthy eating plan and keep your calorie needs in mind. Be physically active and try to limit the amount of time that you're inactive.
Weight-loss medicines and surgery also are options for some people if lifestyle changes aren't enough.
Reaching and staying at a healthy weight is a long-term challenge for people who are overweight or obese. But it also is a chance to lower your risk for other serious health problems. With the right treatment and motivation, it's possible to lose weight and lower your long-term disease risk.
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