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4 Tips to manage diabetes while working from home to lead a healthy life amid COVID 19

08/16/2021 06:00AM | 2795 views

Since we are working from home from last year, people have been suffering from diabetes due to uncontrollable glucose levels. So, endocrinologist Dr. Altamash Shaikh talks about managing your diabetes while working from home.

A year plus as we are fighting with the novel Coronavirus. As per the COVID-19 safety protocols, we all working from home (WFH) to curb the spread of the virus. Unfortunately work from home has negative as well as positive impact on health. One of the negative impacts is diabetes. Prolonged working from home has made many diabetics impossible to control it. Along with that, weight gain, lethargy, addiction to mobile phones, unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet routine, etc. have also been added to the list. And all of these play a major role in making your diabetes uncontrollable. So, Dr. Altamash Shaikh, Endocrinology & Diabetes, Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai Central, shares some tips to manage your diabetes while WFH.

Sleep well and little early

For our good health, getting enough sleep is necessary. Lack of rest and poor sleeping habits can affect the insulin sensitivity and blood glucose levels. It can increase the appetite which results in weight gain. Lack of sleep results in decreases of growth hormones and increase of cortisol levels. It is better to get an adequate amount of sleep every night for 7-8 hours.

Exercise to manage Diabetes and Stress

Due to limited space, some people may feel restricted for working out. However, WFH and workout from home both are possible. People can do spot walking or jogging in the house itself. Those who feel they must go out can do brisk walking, jogging by maintaining the mandatory social distance. Do exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, squats, abdominal crunches, on-spot jumps, etc. at home. Spend quality time with family and friends over phone or video. As stress affects glucose levels, pamper and love yourself which will help to build inner peace so that stress will be avoided. Meditation, Yoga asanas will keep you away from stress.

Manage the carbs intake

Eating at the right time is important for weight reduction and maintenance. To maintain the glucose levels managing food with sleep and exercise is important and you need to be aware of it. Our body breaks carbs into the glucose, and later insulin helps body to use and store it for energy. When we eat too many carbs or if we have insulin-function problem, this process fails and there occurs ea sudden rise in the glucose levels. To control the glucose levels, manage carbs intake by counting on it and be aware of how much you need it. Planning your meals appropriately can help improve the sugar management. Regularly monitor your glucose levels and be in touch with your family doctor.

Stay Hydrated

Drink enough water as it helps in keeping the blood sugar levels controlled and the risk for developing high sugar gets low. Preventing dehydration, helps your kidneys flush out the extra glucose through urine. 

Remember to:

Ask for the health plan.

Get regular check-ups.

Exercise daily.

Make healthy choices.

Avoid stress.

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