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Vaccines Are an Important Part of Wellness for All Ages

11/04/2015 06:00AM | 6616 views

Take the next step in prevention...

No matter what age you are or what stage of life you are in, it is important to talk to your health care provider about vaccines. Vaccines can help prevent many diseases in people of all ages.


Many diseases can strike at an early age. Among infants and young children, some diseases for which vaccines are available can be more common and potentially serious.

To help avoid these health risks, make sure infants get their vaccines according to the recommended schedule for their age.

Day Care & School-age Children

Diseases can be spread at day care and in classrooms. Children in group settings may be exposed to diseases. That’s why it is important for their vaccines to be up-to-date.

To help avoid some of these diseases, make sure your child has all the vaccines recommended for his or her age. If your child missed any vaccines, ask the health care provider now about how to catch up.

Adolescents & Teens

Regular checkups aren’t usually the first thing in mind for busy pre-teens and teens. But their health is too important to ignore. As kids get older, protection provided by some of the vaccines given during childhood can begin to wear off. During these busy growing years, take the time to catch up on all recommended shots.


Vaccination is not just for children. It is also important for adults.

As you age, your immune system simply can’t fight off disease like it used to. It could use some help. Vaccines can help prevent certain diseases in adults. Some shots are needed only once and others are needed more than once. Your health care provider can help you decide what vaccines to get, depending on your age, general health, lifestyle, or job.

Ask your health care provider about how to help protect yourself and your loved ones against certain diseases.

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