I weighed myself today and I was overweight. You see, we have been programmed to always look at the scale for results; I am guilty of that as well. I’m not sure why we continue to beat ourselves over the head and stand on the scale first thing in the morning…do we enjoy mentally torturing ourselves to start our day? Apparently so, as it seems to be a growing trend amongst women and young girls.
Obesity is an epidemic in the Latino population and we need to take action because our kids may be the first generation to live a shorter life than our own. NBC Latino’s Dr. Joseph Sirven walks you through the startling numbers and gives you ways to combat childhood obesity by increasing children’s physical activity and making better food choices.
The health benefits of physical activity are countless, especially in the Hispanic community, where the risk of becoming obese or developing diabetes is almost doubled.
Being fit doesn’t necessarily mean fitting into a size 2 – or even a size 14.
Jeanette DePatie, a.k.a. "The Fat Chick," encourages people of all sizes to embrace exercise and its many benefits. DePatie should know. She's a certified fitness instructor who also calls herself “The Fat Chick.” She's helped hundreds of people who abandoned exercise, or never even tried it before, by teaching them to love fitness and their bodies. Now she has some advice to participants in the Foothill Fitness Challenge.
Stretching exercises help keep your joints flexible, prevent stiffness, and may help reduce your chance of injury during other activities.