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When it comes to retirement savings, Latinos are failing.
That’s what a new survey rolled out about a week ago by ING Retirement Research Institute reveals. In many ways, it echoes what has been laid out in previous minority retirement studies.
Bear with me now while I bury you with a lot of statistics. There is a method to my madness. I think these reports paint an ominous picture about cultural barriers to saving for retirement and will have far-reaching repercussions down the road. If you think we have a “retirement” crisis now, hold on to your hats.
For me, this is eye-opening. I confess to my naïveté. I write about retirement, but have never fully focused on the cultural differences when it comes to financial fitness. When you zoom in on this particular segment of the population that’s expected to nearly double by 2050, the lack of savings is scary.
Why don’t Latinos save more? You might surmise, perhaps, that they don’t tend to work in jobs that pay as much as other ethnic groups, so they can’t afford to, or may not have access to an employer’s retirement plan. Those are plausible, but generalizations. The ING survey found that about a third of Hispanics blamed insufficient income. More than one-quarter cited a high level of debt, followed by a lack of knowledge about what their options are as their biggest barriers to saving.
But it’s just not that simple. As you get higher up that wage scale, you’re still seeing a lack of retirement savings according to a retirement savings survey across different minority groups that was released in 2009 by the Ariel Education Initiative, the non-profit arm of money management firm Ariel Investments, in conjunction with Hewitt Associates.
Even at the highest salary level of $120,000 or above, Hispanics had the least amount saved for retirement–$150,000, compared with $155,000 for African-Americans, $161,000 for whites. Asians had saved the most– $223,000.
That report I’m told is the largest, most comprehensive examination of 401(k) saving and investing behaviors of African-American, Hispanic, Asian and white employees. It analyzed 401(k) information for nearly 3 million employees across 57 large, primarily FORTUNE 500 companies in the U.S.
There are more cultural issues at play. Based on my reporting, for some Hispanic workers language barriers and a lack of Spanish-speaking financial advisers contribute to the problem. For many, it’s cultural. “In the Hispanic community, parents will sacrifice their own financial future in order for their children to advance,” Fabian Gonzalez, vice president of multicultural sales at ING U.S., says.
In Latino culture, it’s not unusual for funds that could be ” investment” dollars to be put to use supporting immediate and extended family and friends. It’s common to take care of aging parents or contribute to child’s education before saving for one’s own retirement. And in fact, ING found that 63 percent of those surveyed have dependents compared to 54 percent overall. Plus, a lot of Hispanics send money away to their countries of origin to help out other family members there, as well.
To boost individual retirement savings, let’s start by ramping up financial education. The demand is there. Across all groups, there’s a feeling that employers could do more to help educate them about their retirement goals, according to the latest ING survey. In fact, a sizable 57 percent of Hispanics expect their employer to do more to educate them about retirement options compared to 47 percent overall.
A glass half-full. This is one finding that made me smile–probably because I can relate as an optimist at heart. Latinos are more upbeat than others about the prospect for better days ahead—both for themselves and their families in the short term and for their children over the long haul, according to Pew’s January report.
Fully two-thirds, 67 percent of Latinos say they expect their financial situation to improve over the next year, compared with 58 percent of the general population who say the same. Also, two-thirds of Latinos say they expect their children to eventually enjoy a standard of living that is better than theirs is now. By contrast, less than half of the general public says the same.
Espero que tengas buena suerte. (I wish you the best of luck.)
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