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The Strain and Stress of Caregiving

Too often, family caregivers plunge headfirst into the role without weighing the risks that come with it and the toll it may take on their own health – the emotional stress, the physical strain, and the financial burden.

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The Impact of Caregiving on Work

The fatigue, stress and sadness that a majority of caregivers say they feel can’t help but spill over into the workplace. And that’s when they’re not taking time off from work to tend to their caregiving duties, averaging almost two weeks per year.

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A Culture That Values Family Caregiving

Caregivers often step into the role without an understanding of the multidimensional aspects of caregiving – nor are they prepared for the magnitude of the responsibility of caring for an aging parent or other loved one with chronic illness.

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Stepping Into the Caregiver Role

Family caregiving – whether in the home or at an assisted living facility – are accepted and expected normal parts of life for many families. But this type of situation can hit people extra hard if they haven’t lived through it before themselves.

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Keeping Your Loved One Connected

The puzzle that is caregiving is one of many pieces. There are many who are affected – from family to professional caregivers – and each must find their place and their role on the caregiving team to help keep your loved one connected.

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An Appreciation for Your Own Care

In caring for someone else, you learn to take better care of yourself. Caregiving opens your eyes to the importance of preventive care – to being proactive about taking care of one’s own health and well-being from an early age.

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The Strain and Stress of Caregiving

11/10/2016 12:24pm | 6830 views

Given the emphasis that Latinos place on family, it’s no wonder that so many are so willing to take on the task of caring for an elderly parent or a loved one that falls ill. But too often, these family caregivers plunge headfirst into the role without thinking through the strain and stress that will come with it – and the toll it may take on their own health. Some may think they have no choice, and for those it may be even more important to weigh the risks – the emotional stress, the physical strain, and the financial burden – against the reality of their current situation. 

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Finding Your Caregiver Role to Keep Your Loved One Connected

31/10/2016 10:42am | 6259 views

By Glenn Llopis

Anyone who’s ever cared for a loved one battling a chronic disease or an aging parent in declining health will soon realize, as I did, that the caregiver ecosystem is much broader than you initially think it’s going  to be. When my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, and later moved to an assisted care facility, my mother and I were devastated.  He was such an integral part of our daily lives, and still was, but now it was with a new sense of urgency as we became his front-line caregivers.

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Caregiving Brings a Greater Appreciation and Need for Your Own Preventive Care

31/10/2016 10:28am | 6389 views

By Glenn Llopis

One of the great things about caregiving is that you learn to put someone else first, above your own needs. “Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn’t know possible,” says Tia Walker in ‘The Inspired Caregiver: Finding Joy While Caring for Those You Love’ (by Peggi Speers and Tia Walker).

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Stepping Up When It’s Time to Step Into the Caregiver Role

31/10/2016 10:15am | 6898 views

by Glenn Llopis

 My father was a huge influence on my life and career, with many lessons and pearls of wisdom to share throughout his long and rich life. But what I didn’t expect, is that when the tables were turned, and I was thrust into the caregiver role of an aging parent, that he would still be the one teaching me lessons – about life and vulnerability, courage and strength, dignity and death. Nor could I have known about the multidimensional aspects of caregiving – and the magnitude of the responsibility – because nothing can prepare you more than actually being in that situation yourself.

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The Impact of Caregiving on Work – and How Leaders Can Help Both Their Employers and Employees

31/10/2016 10:06am | 6609 views

by Michael O’Neill, Senior Editor, HHL

For many who take on the role of caregiving at home, it can quickly become a full-time job – on top of the one they already have. Almost half (46%) of caregivers work full-time outside the home, and it’s closer to two-thirds if you add in part-time workers and those looking for employment. (See Care for the Family Caregiver:A Place to Start (March 2010 Edition, prepared by National Alliance for Caregiving and EmblemHealth).

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About the Author

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HHL Caregiving Awareness

Campaign to Raise Awareness About the Growing Caregiving Community and Their Unmet Need

Healthy Hispanic Living (HHL), the first preventive care online educational platform for U.S. Hispanics, is launching a new campaign in support of family caregivers. This follows a series of HHL campaigns targeting health and related issues that are increasingly affecting the Hispanic community, such as the recent campaigns around breast cancer, diabetes, and the growing obesity epidemic.

Whether caring for an aging parent or another loved one struck with chronic disease, caregivers will often dive into the role without first understanding the multidimensional aspects of caregiving. Nor do they weigh the risks – the emotional stress, the physical strain, the financial burden – and the inevitable toll on their own health if they aren’t vigilant about taking care of themselves throughout the caregiving cycle.

As the overwhelming strain and stress on caregivers begins to gain some fledgling recognition, the HHL Caregiver campaign is designed to shine a spotlight on this issue and move the conversation forward, as it raises awareness both in the healthcare industry and throughout the communities they serve.