A new report finds that the mental health effects of the pandemic are more likely to have a significant impact on teenagers.
Going on a first date is often nerve-racking. But going on a first-date during the pandemic can be especially so.
On top of all the usual things to worry about — like, if they like you and if you like them — now you also have to deal with certain challenges, such as whether you should meet virtually or in person.
Weight loss refers to a decrease in your overall body weight from muscle, water, and fat losses.
The first time I went hiking, I thought I was going to die.
OK, that’s an exaggeration. But before this outing near my home in upstate New York, I hadn’t given the particulars too much thought. To me, the word “hiking” inspired images of strolling along paved paths through the peaceful woods. Boy, was I wrong.
Two Lysol products have been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use against the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. The products are Lysol Disinfectant Spray and Lysol Disinfectant Max Cover Mist, both approved last week for use on hard, nonporous surfaces.