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Harvard Business Review

Flagship magazine, books, and digital content and tools about smart management thinking.

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Putting Common Career Advice to the Test

24/11/2021 06:00am | 2171 views

By Daniel D. Goering and Christina S. Li

A great deal of career advice, while given with the best of intentions, is often not based on verified evidence and is anecdotal, hackneyed, contradictory, or outdated. We now have more clear evidence of what constitutes good advice in terms of which mindsets to hold while navigating one’s career. According to the evidence, some is powerful and effective, some is at best unhelpful, whereas some is downright bad. The authors break down which of the four most common career mindsets relates to objective career success, subjective career success, and employee job outcomes.

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What It Will Take to Make the Tech Industry More Diverse

25/05/2016 12:51am | 8105 views

It’s no secret that the hallways and cubicles of the tech industry aren’t exactly overflowing with female faces. Nor is there a surplus of black or Hispanic workers.

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Adopt an Immigrant Mindset to Advance Your Career

19/05/2015 02:23pm | 13549 views

By Glenn Llopis

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Harvard Business Review

Flagship magazine, books, and digital content and tools about smart management thinking.