Chances are you are familiar with the basic weight loss (like eating more protein and eating fewer calories) but there are other, less obvious, tips that can help you shed some extra pounds too.
Many different types of drinks contain compounds that may help reduce cholesterol levels or healthfully maintain them, such as oat and soy drinks.
As much as people are feeling worry and fear about COVID-19, they’re also experiencing confusion – particularly over what’s safe and what’s not and how to navigate this new-normal. That goes for food too. Here are some of the biggest questions I’m hearing about food and some science-backed answers:
BY Unathi Nkanjeni
As coronavirus continues to plunge the world into uncertainty, constant news about the pandemic can affect the mental health of those having difficulty separating the facts from misinformation.
I'm a good sleeper until I get stressed. Instead of quickly nodding off to my soothing white noise machine, I'll lie awake for an hour thinking about everything I have to do, then wake up from stress dreams. Instead of sleeping straight until my alarm, I'll bolt awake in panic, hours early, for no apparent reason. I need all the sleep I can get when I'm stressed, but it's when I'm stressed that I just can't get it.