Born Leaders

Finance & Family

How to wean grown kids off your payroll, freeing up more retirement cash

31/03/2019 06:00am | 4713 views

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Finance & Family

Nutrient in mother's diet may help fight Alzheimer's in offspring

07/02/2019 06:00am | 4466 views

By Catharine Paddock PhD

Recent research suggests that a maternal diet that is high in an essential nutrient can reduce the impact of Alzheimer's disease on future generations.

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Keto vs. Atkins: What's the Difference Between the Low-Carb Diets?

12/12/2018 06:00am | 6529 views

By Melissa Matthews

There's no denying that people are really into the low-carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic diet. In fact, you've probably already been lectured about the benefits of going keto from cubicle mates, cousins, or that annoying guy at the gym.

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Preventive Care

CDC Syas "Take 3" Actions to Fight the Flu

29/11/2018 06:00am | 5125 views

Flu is a serious contagious disease that can lead to hospitalization and even death.

CDC urges you to take the following actions to protect yourself and others from influenza (the flu): 

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13 Things Confident People Don't Do

17/10/2018 06:00am | 5086 views

Self-confident people know what they value and what they want. They share common habits and thought patterns that help them achieve their goals. Here are 13 things self-confident people don't do, so you can be one of them.

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