Mental Health Archive

Personalized Care

How to Find a Therapist and More Tips for Latinos Starting Their Mental Health Journey

11/03/2022 06:00am | 2247 viewsread more
Personalized Care

9 Mental Health Resources for the LatinX Community

07/03/2022 06:00am | 3547 viewsread more
Personalized Care

7 Tips for Latinos to Start a Mental Health Journey

02/03/2022 06:00am | 1994 viewsread more
Healthcare Disparities

Report shows getting access to quality dementia care can be a challenge for Hispanic families

01/12/2021 06:00am | 2417 views

By Josie Clark

Nov. 1—CINCINNATI — Ramon Hernandez grew up in Texas in an era when his parents did not teach him Spanish "because they did not want him to have an accent," according to his daughter Rebekah Hernandez Pumphrey. The goal was to just fit in.

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A Dad’s Guide to Raising Emotionally Healthy Boys

29/11/2021 06:00am | 10651 views

By Steven Rowe

As parents, we tend to notice everything when it comes to our kid’s physical health: when they feel a little warm, when they’re acting a little extra cranky, when they don’t eat at dinner, or when their voices sound a little hoarse.

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