WebMD Covid-19 Updates

04/06/2020 06:00am | 3319 views

The poll, conducted online May 18-21, asked 505 K-12 teachers about several concerns regarding the coronavirus pandemic, distance learning, and schools reopening.

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Are you paying more attention to your dog or cat during coronavirus quarantine? You're not alone, survey shows

02/06/2020 06:00am | 3610 views

by Jessica Flores

If Fido wasn't already a part of the family, he sure is now: The bond between pets and their owners has become stronger during this coronavirus quarantine, according to a new survey.

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Have I Been Cleaning All Wrong?

29/05/2020 06:00am | 3640 views

By Tara Parker-Pope

Many household disinfectants promise to kill 99.9 percent of germs, but some of us might be cleaning too swiftly to let them do their job.

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How to keep your child safe online while stuck at home during the COVID-19 outbreak

28/05/2020 06:00am | 3541 views

If your family is stuck at home during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, it’s likely your children are spending a lot more time online. School, chats with friends and grandparents, even music lessons — so much has shifted online.

Being connected helps children and teenagers reduce the impact of this new (temporary) normal and encourages them to continue with their lives. But it also presents a new set of challenges for every parent. How can you maximize all that the internet has to offer, while minimizing the potential harm? It’s not an easy balance on a normal day, let alone when facing a health crisis like COVID-19.

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A close shave? Caring for your dog’s skin and coat during lockdown

23/05/2020 06:00am | 4054 views

By Joanna Gale

Social media is full of posts describing people’s attempts to cut the hair of their partners or children. It’s at times like these that I’m very grateful for a head of unruly curls that are very forgiving of missing a few trims. My daughters both have fairly long, uncomplicated hair which I can avoid trimming too. As for my husband, so far he’s managing without a haircut, but give it a couple more weeks and we’ll see!

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