Armed with my bachelor's of science in Journalism, I have navigated through nine job moves, 15 bosses, and a plethora of business colleagues that have shaped who I am professionally today. Incredibly, this year marks 20 years since I graduated from college, and I still have a lot to learn.
As I begin to reflect on two decades of deadlines, crises, reorganizations, reprioritizations, lay offs, and promotions, I feel that I am making progress towards discovering who I really am as a professional and what skills I bring to the table.
Don't get me wrong, I often feel like Sheryl Sandberg in Lean In, where I am waiting for someone to jump out from behind the printer in the office -- you know the one that is constantly out of toner, low on paper or just on strike -- and call me, "imposter," and tell me that I don't know what I am talking about. Sheesh. When I write it down, it sounds like such an insecure statement; however, I am sure there are many of you who feel like this too.
Here are 5 New Year career resolutions to help you develop your roadmap, anticipate the bumps, and envision the light at the end of the tunnel.
Remember these are all steps in the long journey that is your career. It takes a while to figure out who are you professionally and it may not be the same person as when you landed your first job. In the end, each new year or even new day, is an opportunity to become the individual you want to be and the person you want to be remembered as. You'r in the driver's seat, put the car in drive, and go!
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