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PopSugar Fitness

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Here's Everything Experts Want You to Know About Burning Belly Fat — Including What WON'T Work

09/09/2019 06:00am | 8430 views

What Burns Belly Fat?


When you get right down to it, there are two steps to losing belly fat. One: a good diet. Two: consistent exercise. Of course, that's a little more complicated and challenging than it sounds.

Belly fat is stubborn and frustrating, but it's not permanent. There are concrete and achievable steps you can take to chip away at the fat around your belly area, and we talked to experts from both sides of the aisle — exercise and diet — to plot out your plan for belly-fat-burning success.

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Wondering If It's Ok to Raise Your Kid Vegetarian? We asked the Experts For Advice

05/09/2019 06:00am | 6061 views

 Should I Raise My Child Vegetarian?

Fear not: Experts say it's OK to raise your child vegetarian. In fact, there's some evidence that plant-based diets can be just as healthy as meat-based diets for kids. So if you've explored the health benefits of reducing or eliminating meat for yourself but have been curious whether a vegetarian diet is doable for kids, you should be in the clear.

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A Trainer's Guide to the Best (and Most Fun!) Summertime Workouts

20/06/2018 06:00am | 6773 views

Here are five workouts that are distinctly Summer and that you should start fantasizing about now!

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PopSugar Fitness

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