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The Clorox Company: Clorox Hispanic Nurses Network

07/10/2015 06:00am | 9873 views

More than half of Hispanic adults in the United States don’t have regular access to a health care provider.  Hispanics rely on alternate resources for health care information, like online tools and advice from friends and family members.

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Marketing Health & Wellness to U.S. Hispanics

24/09/2015 12:00pm | 11471 views

“The first wealth is health” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hispanic attitudes towards health and wellness impact a range of categories, from fast food to pharmaceutical, and understanding the Hispanic point-of-view is becoming increasingly critical to the success of American business. This article will highlight some of the factors that have historically influenced Hispanics and provide key takeaways for marketers interested in reaching out to the U.S. Hispanic market. 

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Covered California Case Study

15/09/2015 04:27pm | 6915 views

The historical passage of the Affordable Care Act guarantees all Americans health care coverage.  In California more than 7 million residents are without health insurance and of that number well over  50% percent are Hispanic.  Covered California is charged with implementing the federal health care law – the Affordable Care Act – and  creating a new insurance marketplace in which individuals and small businesses can get access to health insurance. 

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A New Hispanic Health Future: How the Affordable Care Act will Transform Hispanic Health in the U.S.

14/09/2015 05:00pm | 6982 views

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is making quality, affordable health care coverage accessible to an estimated 10 million uninsured Hispanics.  This previously unprecedented access for the group with the least access (nearly 1 in 3 uninsured) has the potential to write a whole new future for the Hispanic community due to its emphasis on preventive care and provisions for heightened cultural competency.

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The Hispanic Health and Wellness Opportunity: Why Understanding Acculturation is Key to Marketing Success

03/09/2015 01:03pm | 7287 views

By 2020, an estimated 1 in 5 Americans –or 20% of the U.S. population- will be Hispanic.  This growth, coupled with the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will dramatically change the Hispanic health and wellness landscape.  Historically, pharmaceutical companies and health insurance providers have not focused on the U.S. Hispanic market.  But we are already seeing shifts in the health care sector as providers look to secure their fair share of the 10 million Hispanics newly eligible for insurance.  Their new efforts to reach this population are evidenced by increased investments in highly targeted advertising, health fairs and even community offices designed to cater to Hispanics. 

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About the Author

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Cultural Magazine is a publication from The Axis Agency that highlights trends that impact the cultural demographic shift.