Self Advocacy

Preventive Care

7 Warning Signs That You May Be at Risk of a Heart Attack

27/05/2019 06:00am | 4546 views

By Marygrace Taylor & Melissa Matthews

Nearly half of Americans suffer from cardiovascular disease. 


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Preventive Care

Weight, Weight…Don’t Tell Me: Why Dog Owners Should Care about Pet Obesity

06/05/2019 06:00am | 4616 views

By Karen Faunt

I am lucky to have two beautiful dogs: A three-year-old collie named Juniper and a one-year-old Taiwanese Mountain Dog named Zeppo with unbelievably expressive ears. I love them both, and they bring so much joy to my life. 

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Mental Health

8 Mental health Tips That Are So Effective, Therapists Themselves Swear by Them

02/05/2019 06:00am | 4583 views

By Korin Miller

There are so many strategies for cultivating a solid sense of mental health (Rethinking your social-media relationship! Scheduling a girls' nightJournaling!) Still, figuring out what tips really work and what’s just noise is a highly personalized and hardly simple process.

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Preventive Care

10 Warning Signs That Something’s Up With Your Health

18/04/2019 06:00am | 4502 views

You can count on your body giving you warning signs, and presenting symptoms when something isn't quite right.

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The Many Health Effects of Noise

10/04/2019 06:00am | 4627 views

Exposure to loud noise can certainly damage your hearing.

But increasingly, scientists are finding that too much noise can take a toll on our health in other ways. Here is how our loud world can can affect you, plus what you can do to protect yourself.

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