By Maureen Higgins, Eden II Marketing Intern
Searching for autism information on the web can be overwhelming. The word “autism” alone results in over 64 million hits on Google. So, where do you turn to for the most relevant information and resources when there are so many different options? We polled parents of Eden II participants, asking them this question, and these were the top 10 results:
by Dr. Laura Markham
Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays, because it celebrates the purpose of life. No, not chocolate, LOVE!
By Kristen Fuller, M.D.
Children are like sponges. They soak in almost everything around them, repeat the words they hear, mimic the actions they see, and even adapt to the behavioral patterns that they are around the most. Parents have one of the strongest influences on children and therefore it is our job, to model healthy behaviors. However we live in a world of labels, eating disorders, fad diets, skinny jeans, and body shaming, so it can be difficult to teach kids about food in a positive way. Childhood obesity rates have tripled over the past 40 years and it is becoming more popular to grab dinner on the go instead of sharing home-cooked family meals. Conversely, more and more children and adolescents are engaging in diets and weight loss behaviors. Childhood obesity and eating disorders are extremely dangerous, but so is allowing the labels “good” and “bad” food as this can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food. The goal is to teach a positive, open-minded approach to food while giving kids options to choose their own food and to learn the nutritious value of what they put in their bodies.
by Marty Nemko Ph.D.
What can parents do to help raise a gifted child?
Myths about raising a child with more than one language abound. Sometimes parents are discouraged from doing so. They're told it can lead to confusion and speech delays, or that they've missed the window of opportunity. Here are the most common myths – and the real story behind raising a child to be bilingual.