
Finance & Family

Too much TV at age 2 leads to poor health as teens

01/10/2018 06:00am | 4517 views


Television-loving toddlers are in for poor health in adolescence.

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Finance & Family

Mothers Raise First and Second Children Differently

21/09/2018 06:00am | 4723 views

By Kashmira Gander

Parents often claim they love their children equally—but do they raise them the same? The answer might be no, according to a study into mothers. 

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Finance & Family

5 tips to help you stay productive when working from home with young kids during coronavirus, from a dad who's done it

24/03/2020 06:00am | 2059 views

By Michael Thompson

I'm writing this as my 5-year-old and 2-year-old are taking a nap on the sofa a few feet away from me. The two of them haven't been feeling well the last four days. Combine this with the fact that 24 hours ago we went into lock-down here in Spain due to the coronavirus, and it looks like this will be my life for some time to come.

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Finance & Family

Preserving Intimacy with Your Child When Adolescence Begins

26/07/2018 06:00am | 5027 views

Parents often experience less closeness with the teenager than with the child.

By Carl E Pickhardt Ph.D.

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Finance & Family

The Single Most Valuable Thing You Can Do For Your Kids

17/07/2018 03:10pm | 4705 views

By Shelley Emling

When my three kids were little, people would always remark, “Enjoy your kids now. They grow up so quickly.” And, yes, they were right. But whereas days used to slip away like hours and weeks used to fly by like days, more recently our months as a family unit feel as though they’re elapsing like minutes. The pace of our lives has grown so fast, it’s kind of like watching my favorite movie with the fast-forward button depressed, when all I want to do is hit pause.

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