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Krysta Rodriguez of ‘Smash’ fame Reveals Breast Cancer Battle on New Blog

05/11/2015 10:12AM | 7082 views


“Smash” actress Krysta Rodriguez has shared that she has been battling breast cancer and opened up about her journey in an honest post on a new blog she created called Chemo Couture.

“On September 24, 2014 at age 30, I was diagnosed with stage 2B ductal carcinoma: in-situ and invasive. Fancy words for breast cancer,” the actress wrote on her blog. “Now as far as cancer goes, I have the Cadillac of tumors. It’s slow growing, highly treatable and not really interested in spreading. My doctor calls it an “old lady cancer.” I always knew I was ahead of my time!”

"Picture a lump sitting in a BarcaLounger eating Cheetos and enjoying the warm, cozy studio apartment I've been providing for it on Left Breast Lane," she adds. "No one would want to leave that, am I right? Well, sorry buddy. I'm the landlord from hell and it's eviction time.”

Chemo is one part of having cancer that she was most worried about for a number of reasons, including what she describes as “vanity reasons.”

“I’m an actress. I make my living with my appearance to some degree,” she says. So being confronted with the idea of my whole body changing has been a tough one. Oh, and for the record, telling me how beautiful Natalie Portman looked with a shaved head or sending me pics of a waify Anne Hathaway is not helping. They do not have cancer. They do not have the nausea, bone pain or paralysis. They are not struggling to feel like themselves at every moment of the day.”

They just look really good with a buzz cut,” she adds.

The other aspect that worries the actress is fertility reasons, and the actress has frozen some of her eggs, something she calls the “Great Harvest,” to make sure that she can have children in the future.

“Chemo is basically an indiscriminate A-bomb that gets dropped in your body, nuking everything in its path, but I’ve got some eggs in there that I wasn’t quite ready to cook, she explained in her post. So I put a couple of those suckers on ice as a backup plan.”

Rodriguez wrote in her blog that this year she will not “bust out the beanie and hide” and that she will be living her life “as loudly as I can.”

“Cancer is not just an old person’s game anymore,” the actress writes.” There are many young, vibrant and fashion loving women out there who want to look their best, even when we’re feeling like crap.”

She adds “2015 is my year with cancer. Might as well make it a beautiful one!”

The actress later tweeted out to fans that she was “overwhelmed” by the support of people who had reached out to her because of her blog.

Rodriquez played Katherine McPhee’s roommate on NBC show “Smash” during its final season in 2013.

Read Krysta's blog at Chemo Couture and look for updates on HHL.

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