Minority, poor patients are more likely than others to be diagnosed with late-stage thyroid cancer, as indicated by a new study published in the Journal of “Endocrinology and Metabolism.“
According to researchers, poor patients from all racial groups had more advanced stages of disease at the time of diagnosis when compared to wealthier counterparts, but minorities fared even worse when compared to non-Hispanic whites as a whole.
I have had countless conversations with friends about their decisions to eat healthier and go to the gym more often. In fact, many New Year’s resolutions revolve around getting healthier. However, it is important that we not forget about preventive health in our quest to eat more veggies and to hit the gym.
In this video, Dr. Jeffery Weitzel, Chief of the Division of Clinical Cancer Genetics and Professor, Director, Cancer Screening and Prevention Program Network at City of Hope, discusses how physicians need to adapt their approach to Hispanic patients especially with regards to genetic counseling.
A world-renowned geneticist on cancer and Latinas, Dr. Weitzel shares his thoughts on how important the inclusion of family is when counseling a Hispanic patient. Physicians need to share with them how this will impact their families in order to earn their trust . In the end, he says, if you can win over the heart of a Latina she is more likley to be successful in her treatment and recovery.
John Ruiz, Ph.D., assistant professor at the University of North Texas, Department of Psychology,headed new research which supports the existence of the pseudo-mythical "Hispanic paradox," a debatable phenomenon where poor Latinos experience health that's comparable or better than other ethnicities. The Journal of "Endocrinology and Metabolism" published a new study about poor minority patients being more likely to be diagnosed with late-stage thyroid cancer and living longer, which supports Ruiz's finding.
The benefits of growing up bilingual are many, and now new data further deconstructs the process that makes bilingual children so remarkable.