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Laksheswar Sahoo

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Best Fruits For Diabetic Patients

08/20/2015 06:00AM | 7808 views

As diabetics patients has a long restriction on their menu. This is alsoquite applicable on fruits. So here are some fruits which are best for diabetics.

1. Starfruit : Starfruit is one of the best fruit for diabetics. As it help to improve blood sugar control but the person needs to do physical exercise in case of affected by diabetics nephropathy.

2. Pineapples : Pineapples are enriched by anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Which are very good ingredients for diabetics.

3. Watermelon : Watermelons has a high GI value, Its Glycemic load is low, It makes watermelons for diabetic.

4. Guava : Guavas are high in vitamin A and vitamin C with high amount of dietary fibre. Guava is good for constipation.

5. Papaya : Papayas are rich in vitamin and other minerals. Which makes it best for diabetics.

6. Jack Fruit : It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese and magnesium among many other nutrients. Jack fruit improves insulin resistance thats why Jack fruit is good for heath.

7. Pomegranate : Pomegranate’s tiny red rubies help to improve blood sugar statistics of diabetics people.

8. Orange : Oranges are rich in vitamin C. This citrus food is very good for diabetics

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