While all prospective homebuyers may face challenges to buying a home, the perception of what those obstacles are can take different forms based one's race or ethnicity, according to the results of a survey by the Futures Company in partnership with the California Association of Realtors Center for California Real Estate.
High school juniors, soon-to-be seniors: As you’re headed into a year of varsity letters, last hurrahs and anticipation for the new beginning that’s now just around the corner, don’t forget about college applications and financial aid forms.
"Steps to Maximize Your 401k." "How to Master Your 401k." "Ways to Increase Your 401k." Headlines such as these are common in personal finance publications, and tend to give the impression that a 401k account is the way to save for retirement. For most employees, it is.
Latinos have become considerably more upbeat about their personal finances and optimistic about their financial future since the Great Recession, according to newly released results from a national survey of Latino adults.
You’ve picked your college, and you’ve planned nearly everything: how you’re going to decorate your dorm room, the clubs you’re going to join, and how you’ll introduce yourself to your new roommate. Freshman year is going to be awesome.