What we do

We establish quality standards for nursing education; assist schools in implementing those standards; influence the nursing profession to improve health care; and promote public support for professional nursing education, research and practice.

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What diversity means to us

A culturally diverse nursing workforce is essential to meeting the healthcare needs of the nation. The scholarships and leadership development opportunities we provide to minority students is creating a cadre of future nurse educators and leaders.

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Our core values

Diversity and Inclusion in academic nursing is firmly embedded in AACN’s mission, goals and core values–defined as Leadership, Innovation, Collaboration, Integrity and Agility–and our inclusive environment of achievement, transformation and success.

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University of Texas Rio Grande Valley: Producing a Predominately Mexican-American Nursing Workforce in South Texas for More Than 40 Years

20/02/2017 06:00am | 7626 views

As the U.S. Hispanic population’s growth spurt continues, healthcare organizations increasingly ponder how they’ll attract much-needed “culturally competent” staff, especially when Hispanics remain so underrepresented across most healthcare careers.

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Nursing internship program at UTEP a win-win for hospitals and students

13/02/2017 06:00am | 8096 views

New nursing school graduates often face a steep climb in their first hospital jobs. To fully ready themselves for those positions, they typically must “shadow” an experienced RN for up to 18 weeks. That means more preparation time for novice nurses, and a hefty expense for healthcare organizations.

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UC Davis CAMPOS Program Working to Attract and Support Latinas in STEM Careers

07/02/2017 06:00am | 6651 views

What can universities do to motivate a generation of young Latinas to pursue STEM careers?

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A Career in Nursing Can Lead Anywhere, Including Dean

30/01/2017 10:36am | 7796 views

Written By Michael O'Neill

As a profession, as a school, we are committed to our work with vulnerable populations. That extends to the issue of diversity – in our student body, in our workforce, in our faculty. Whether we’re talking about minorities in general or Latinos in particular, there is a persistent gap in nursing that must be addressed by diversifying the workforce – at all levels.

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About the company

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Washington, DC

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) serves as the national voice for academic nursing. Membership includes more than 780 colleges and universities with baccalaureate and/or graduate nursing programs, which enroll almost 480,000 students and employ more than 18,000 full-time faculty. 

 The dean or chief nurse administrator serves as the representative to AACN, though the association serves the entire academic enterprise including faculty, administrative staff, and students. 

 Based in Washington, DC, AACN’s core headquarters staff, numbering 58 full-time employees, possess expertise in nursing program accreditation and certification, health policy, curriculum design, leadership development, research and data collection, financial management, conference planning, communications, and interprofessional collaboration.