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Originally published by Salud TODAY

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7 Tips for Latinos to Start a Mental Health Journey

02/03/2022 06:00am | 1967 viewsread more

Study: Latinas Have Severe Time Delay between Abnormal Mammogram, Confirmation of Breast Cancer

02/10/2013 10:31am | 8808 views

Latinas who have an abnormal mammogram result take 33 days longer to reach definitive diagnosis of breast cancer than non-Hispanic white women, according to a new study by the Institute for Health Promotion Research (IHPR) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

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Originally published by Salud TODAY

The SaludToday blog, part of, is an interactive, online forum dedicated to stimulating an ongoing discussion among Latino families, community leaders, health researchers and all others who are interested in improving the health of Latinos across the U.S.

By bringing you the latest stories, news and events regarding Latino health and encouraging you to make comments, give us your feedback and contribute your insight and stories, we hope we can make huge leaps in improving Latino health.