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Mary Ann Cooper

Published originally by Hispanic Outlook

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Health Care Workforce Needs Hispanic Professionals

23/09/2013 12:23pm | 9833 views

One of the results of having a burgeoning Hispanic population is the need for qualified Hispanic health care workers to address their medical needs, according to an articlein The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education. It's not only a matter of being able to communicate with patients in Spanish, it is also a matter of being intimately acquainted with Hispanic culture that makes Hispanic health care workers so essential for the health and welfare of our changing demographics. And unless the number of Hispanics entering health fields increases, the U.S. faces a healthcare shortage within the next decade.

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About the Author

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Mary Ann Cooper

Published originally by Hispanic Outlook

For almost 23 years, The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine, has been a top information news source and the sole Hispanic educational magazine for the higher education community, and those involved in running our institutions of higher learning.