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Hispanic Network Magazine

A Latin Business and Employment Magazine

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Why We Can't Ignore Heart Disease in Hispanics

26/10/2015 12:00pm | 6711 views

By Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, deputy chief medical officer at the American Heart Association

For many Hispanics, family is paramount. Yet heart disease and stroke, this nation's number one and number four killers, are stealing our 

abuelitos and abuelitas at an unacceptable rate.

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Celebrity Chef Leticia Moreinos Schwartz, Merck and the ADA Challenge Hispanics

21/10/2015 06:00am | 6798 views

Chef Leticia Moreinos Schwartz is a chef, cookbook author, teacher, and food stylist with expertise in Hispanic and Latino cuisine. Diabetes is a topic that is very close to her heart, which is why Chef Leticia is partnering with Merck on Desafiando La Diabetes: Logra Tus Metas to challenge Hispanics with type 2 diabetes to know their A1C and to work with their doctor to set and reach their A1C goal.

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Hispanic Network Magazine

A Latin Business and Employment Magazine