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How Do I Know if I Might be Infertile?

If you haven’t gotten pregnant after one year of trying, or six months if you’re over 35, talk to a doctor. There are many possible diagnoses, and many possible solutions.

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There’s Power in Sharing Your Story

We find support when we share our stories—whether through our online community or with your own friends and family. It’s one of the best things we can do for each other and for ourselves.

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Are Infertility Treatments Covered?

Insurance policies vary, and coverage is often limited. Only 15 states require coverage for infertility treatment. There are nonprofits that offer grants for infertility treatments. See the list at

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Giving my Pain Purpose

25/04/2018 06:00am | 8909 views

By Anna Hornbostel

Infertility came into my life slowly, sliding its way in after weeks became months and months became years of trying to have a baby and cycle after cycle failing. Infertility didn’t shout its arrival, but instead carried with it a shroud of silence.

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I Have A Child and I am Infertile

24/04/2018 06:00am | 10021 views

By Allyn Ann Simpson, RN, MSN
Women's Health Nurse Practitioner-BC

Families are built in many different ways and look differently from one person to the next.

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‘Long, Crazy Journey’ to Surrogacy in India

24/04/2017 06:00am | 11181 views

by Katie Fettig

At last.

Those were the words we posted to make our long-awaited pregnancy announcement. “At Last” was also the song my husband Steve and I danced to at our wedding. It just happened to be on the list of songs the DJ offered—it hadn’t carried any particular meaning for us at the time. But six years into our marriage, the words were full of meaning. 

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How to Make a Baby in 17 Years

24/04/2017 12:49pm | 6607 views

By Jeanne Montalvo Lucar

Picture this: you decided you’re ready to be a mom. You have everything planned. You ditch the birth control and you download an app. Then somewhere down the line, you realize that there’s a problem.

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Persistence or Acceptance? Both are Necessary When Facing Secondary Infertility

24/04/2017 06:00am | 8103 views

By Patricia Musitano

It seems like there’s always a reason to keep trying. There’s something that makes you think the next time will work. Something that was wrong gets fixed … a new procedure offers hope … an eventual success makes you think it will be possible to do it again. 

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About the Author

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HHL Infertility Awareness

You are not alone. Find connection here.

Hispanic women are supposed to be fertile, right? That’s the cultural stereotype we all face—and it makes it all the more unbelievable and painful when it doesn’t happen that way. If that’s what you’re feeling right now—or if you know someone who is—this site is for you. 

Minority women are half as likely as white women to seek medical help to get pregnant (American Psychological Association)—even though they’re morelikely to experience infertility (USC Fertility).

We created this site to raise awareness about infertility, to expose you to some of the treatment options, and to offer a place of connection for women and men struggling to build their families. Read the stories here, and connect directly with others in our online Facebook community

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