Do you have a smart phone?
Chances are, it will very soon become essential in better managing your healthcare and ensuring better health outcomes. Looking back in recent history, smartphones have transformed humanity in a remarkable manner. With now more than 5 billion mobile phone connections and almost 2 billion smartphone users (approximately 70% of the world’s population) around the world, we have become an interconnected, mobile, smart society. In the United States, statistics show that approximately 90% of adults own a cellular telephone, 55% posses a smartphone and 50% regularly download apps.
Learning for the first time that you have diabetes is definitely not easy. Probably having heard many terrifying stories about the disease, or maybe witnessing a family member struggling with disease, or even worse, having experienced the passing away of a loved one from complications of the disease surely can make us feel afraid and lost when we hear such diagnosis. However, you must know that if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you are not alone. Fortunately, science and technology have evolved so rapidly, and favorably, that we are now living in the most promising times for diabetic patients and the scientists and clinicians interested in improving their care.