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Fun Recipes for a Mexican-Style Easter

30/03/2018 06:00am | 8224 views



Whether you are hosting an intimate Easter gathering or an outdoor potluck, plan an unforgettable celebration filled with Mexican dishes, delicious desserts, creative cocktails, and a fun activity for the kids.


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5 tips for Preparing Your Spring Kitchen

20/03/2018 12:18pm | 5961 views



I love a good spring cleaning. Cleaning is cathartic for me. I’m one of those people who’s especially enthusiastic about weeding through closets and making sure they’re spic and span. In the kitchen, I love to make sure everything is really organized and cleaned up before a new season starts. For example, now that spring is here, I want to be at the ready with everything I need to take advantage of the abundance of fresh food arriving in our markets. Here are a few things I do to get my kitchen ready for the new season. If I’m missing anything, please do share!

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COMMUNITYTABLE.COM gives value-minded, busy families simple solutions for making everyday life easier, more meaningful and more fun, with advice from the editors of Parade, American Profile’s Community Table, Athlon Sports, Relish and Spry Living.