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Arizona State University


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Through volunteering, dual grad finds career path in Latino, reproductive health advocacy

25/07/2021 06:00am | 2315 views

“I've always cared about advocating for the Latinx community since I am a daughter of immigrants. And as a woman, I always knew that I cared about sexual health, wellness and reproductive freedom,” Naranjo said. "I realized that if I cared about reproductive rights, I should volunteer at Planned Parenthood. It was there that I learned that there was a national program that specifically does work on Latinx engagement.”

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Why Should Latinos Be Concerned About Obesity?

07/08/2015 03:01pm | 7846 views

Latinos should be concerned with this epidemic for the reason that, while overweight and obesity are prevalent in the US., almost 55% of the population is obese.

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