Fewer than 6 percent of registered nurses are Latino, and health and education experts are trying to address how to expand opportunities and programs.
By Linda Carroll
Veterinary nutrition specialists say pet food labels often focus on ingredients rather than nutrition.
by Sarah E. Adler
We love our pets — and it turns out they might be good for us, too. According to the results of a new University of Michigan-AARP poll, pet owners say their furry friends help them de-stress and stick to a routine. Pets also provide many people with a sense of purpose.
In past studies on psychological conditions, almost 15% of the American population was diagnosed with one or more personality disorder. Monolingual Hispanics make up 30% of patients diagnosed with a personality disorder, based on asample study done in 2010. Despite the growing prevalence of personality disorders, not many people are aware of how they may affect everyday activities. There are ten identified personality disorders broken down into three different clusters, with each focusing on one or more aspects of a certain personality trait. Of the three clusters, Cluster B seems to be one of the most ostracized groups in need of support. Knowing the signs of onset and effectively providing an open space where they can talk about how they feel will encourage more openness and understanding in the community.
Forty million Americans work as an unpaid family caregiver. The mental, physical and emotional stress they face is overwhelming. It's time to help.