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What I Do

I’ve been a veterinarian since 1994 have worked in veterinary hospitals since 1987. Connecting with people is a huge part of being a veterinarian. I coach Banfield doctors and teams on how to strengthen their relationships with pet owners.

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Why I Do It

Since I was a kid, I've loved every animal I could find. I wanted to understand and help them. It's also exciting and rewarding to help other people, whether clients or fellow pet care professionals, be more successful with what they do.

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My Big Career Moment

As a recent graduate, I was discussing cost-cutting treatment options with a client, and she said, “you’re the doc, just tell me what’s best for my dog.” I realized it’s most important to help them understand what their pets need and why.

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Pet Health Depends on People: That’s Why Dr. Ari Zabell Helps Veterinarians Connect with Pet Owners

14/11/2018 12:00am | 4585 views

Dr. Zabell’s favorite things in the world as a kid were his pets. He loved going to the zoo and into the woods to look for animals. Today, he’s a veterinarian who also specializes in supporting clients and coaching veterinarians through communicating with pet owners. His work extends beyond veterinary professionals and clients, as he also spends time at elementary schools talking with kids about responsible pet ownership and his work with pets. 

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About Our Associates

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Ari Zabell

DVM, DABVP, Senior Director of Client Experience and Advocacy
Banfield Pet Hospital

Dr. Ari Zabell has been a veterinarian with Banfield Pet Hospital since 1996. He has filled multiple roles, including hospital director, chief of staff, field director, medical director and coach doctor, in addition to various veterinary roles at Banfield’s headquarters, Central Team Support. 

He is currently senior director of client experience and advocacy, helping coach Banfield’s veterinary teams to build strong relationships with their clients.

After receiving his undergraduate degree from Rutgers University, Dr. Zabell graduated from Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine in 1994, moved out west and met his wife Michelle in 1995. He received his ABVP (American Board of Veterinary Practitioners) certification in 2003 and recertification in 2013. He lives with his wife, three kids (Max, Sophia, and Julia), three dogs (Elias, Jasmine, and Fernando) as well as a flock of spoiled chickens in Vancouver, Washington.