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Elba González, RD, CDE, CPT, LD, MBA

Registered Dietitian

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Deck your Pantry: Must have Food and Beverage Staples to Survive the Holidays

19/12/2016 11:15am | 11697 views

It’s that wonderful time of year and holiday festivities are just around the corner! It’s time to enjoy our favorite holiday meals with family and friends. With all of the excitement it can also be a time of unwanted weight gain. The good news is you don’t have to completely deprive yourself of your favorite holiday dishes. Research shows that enjoying your meals in moderation is more effective in the long run, when it comes to weight management, than elimination. Also, enjoy holiday dishes at work, at home, at restaurants or where ever you are invited and just remember your portion control strategy.

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About the Author

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Elba González is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian (RD, LD), based in Puerto Rico, with a private practice specializing in weight management in children, adults and athletes. She is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) and a Pilates and Aqua-Aerobics instructor and an avid runner and participated in several marathons.


Elba's Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) designation and broad clinical experience in hospitals and in private practice was instrumental in developing a successful educational and wellness consulting role with multi-national pharmaceuticals and with the food and beverage industry, in Puerto Rico as well as in the U.S. mainland. She has held several leadership roles, including President and Public Policy Liaison, in the local chapters of the Academy Of Nutrition And Dietetics (AND), the Puerto Rico College Of Dietitians and Nutritionists, Alliance For The Prevention Of Pediatric Obesity of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico ASPEN, and also consults for food and beverage companies such as The Coca-Cola Company. She is a health topics public speaker and has extensive exposure to print, radio, social and television media. Elba has taken advantage of these opportunities to spread her healthy living message.

As an author, Elba wrote "La Dieta Del Eden" (The Eden Diet), an easy to read and practical weight management guide, which aims to influence nutritional and physical fitness behavioral changes in motivated readers. This was the first weight management book written by a Puerto Rican Dietitian and it was reviewed in the former ADA Times.