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Dr. Josh Axe

Doctor of natural medicine, doctor of chiropractic and clinical nutritionist

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15 Brain Foods to Boost Focus & Memory

02/05/2018 06:00am | 9368 views


What does the food you eat have to do with how your brain functions? Turns out an awful lot. While we’ve always known that what we eat affects our bodies and how we look, scientists are also learning more and more that what we eat takes a toll on our brains. Yes, brain foods matter (especially for our gray matter).


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About the Author

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Dr. Josh Axe

Doctor of natural medicine, doctor of chiropractic and clinical nutritionist

Dr. Josh Axe is a doctor of natural medicine, doctor of chiropractic and clinical nutritionist with a passion to help people get well using food as medicine, and operates one of the world’s largest natural health websites: